White Goods Recycling In Finchley Done Properly

Posted on 07/02/2015

Right Recycling of White Goods In Finchley

white goods recycling

You may be asking yourself what white goods’ recycling actually is. White goods recycling falls under the Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Regulations, enforced in January 2004, which encompasses the recycling of any and all electronic items. White goods’ recycling has since boomed and is provided by all waste removal firms in Finchley that want to remain in the competitive market offering environmentally friendly clearance services!

So what items fall under the WEEE regulation? Here is a list, which you should refer back to if you’re about to embark on furniture clearance in the N12 area.

1.    All large household appliances e.g. fridge, washing machine, dishwasher, microwave and cooker.

2.    Electrical and electronic tools like drills or electric lawnmowers.

3.    Small household appliances e.g. vacuums, toasters, clocks, irons etc

old fridge disposal

4.    IT equipment and computers

5.    Consumer items like televisions, radios and musical instruments.

6.    Alarms and control equipment such as smoke detectors and heating thermostats.

7.    Leisure and sports equipment e.g. games consoles, a treadmill

8.    Medical equipment and devices like dialysis machines etc

9.    Any automatic dispensers for either drinks or money.

10.    Lighting e.g. Fluorescent tubes

So now that you’ve been given a definition on white goods and what they are, here are some ways you can dispose of them, either when hiring property clearance services in Finchley, N2 or when carrying out your own home or commercial clearance.

white goods removal
White goods clearance goes hand in hand with responsible rubbish removal, which can be carried out when performing a house or office clearance in the N12 region. It is no easy task, however after so many electrical appliances were simply being dumped in landfills or open skips, the UK decided to take action… and it’s a good thing it has! Moving a fridge or disposing of a cumbersome rowing machine is hard work, which is why it might be best left to the professional companies to handle! Most clearing firms will have the necessary equipment and tools at hand to carry out the job and even make it seem effortless. So if you’re thinking that white goods recycling is more trouble than it’s worth, think again! If you recycle your paper, garden waste and even builders’ waste, then why not contribute to the national effort to recycle and reuse expensive and non-biodegradable electrical or battery run items?

clearance services
By hiring the clearance professionals to take care of all your junk removal then you will also lessen the risk of damage to your home in Finchley or more importantly to your own health. Putting out your back during a property clearance can render you useless to carry on and even put you out of commission for weeks. SO make sure the clearing company you choose follows all health and safety regulations. Also it’s important to make sure the company follows all environmental regulations and does indeed transport your electrical items to the nearest recycling plant. Dumping white goods, which contain chemicals harmful to the ozone into landfills can be detrimental to the environment. IN addition recycling is actually far more cost effective! If you do make the bold decision to hire a van carry out your own waste removal, make sure you have the assistance of friends when lifting that washing machine or dishwasher!

donating white goods
Another option other than recycling your white goods if they are still in working order is to ask the clearance company to donate them to charity. Ring around to get the best quote for the removal of your electrical appliances and do some research on the company. Go through their website and try and find some reliable feedback!

Jay Malnik
Jay Malnik

As a seasoned expert in waste disposal, Jay has spent over a decade refining spaces from disarray to order. Specializing in efficient rubbish removal techniques, their steadfast dedication to sustainability positions them as a reliable choice for clients seeking to declutter their homes or businesses.

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