House Clearance – Best Tips

Posted on 28/10/2020

Tips for House Clearance

house clearances

If you have never had to deal with the unpleasant task of clearing out your home, garage or basement, then you probably don’t have much of an idea what house clearance really is. However, it is quite a popular service these days and busy families often hire such clearance companies to do this job for them. There are a few steps which you should follow when doing a house clearance. If you want a well-done job, here is what you should do.

schedule the domestic clearance

Decide Upon the Time Scale

This is an important part of the preparation – make sure when do you need the house cleared. Whether the clearance is part of the annual spring cleaning or you want to prepare a house for letting or for selling, you will need a certain timeframe. This is essential before you call the clearance company as they will need certain details in order to send enough people. If there are not enough people on site this will slow down the process for sure.

waste removal

Decide What to Keep

Perhaps the hardest step of every house clearance. Deciding what to keep and what to throw away is inevitable though. The first thing to do is get some bags and go through all the clutter. Try to sort out your belongings and be honest about them – if you haven’t been using something for a long time, what is the chance of starting to use it now? A house clearance is all about saying goodbye to the old stuff and clearing space for new. Some of the things that you don’t need anymore might be used again though, so think what to do with them – donate them, sell them at a garage or boot sale or simply give them to the house cleaners. They know how to deal with each item – recycling or giving it for waste.

rubbish disposal

Get Rid of the Rubbish

Once you have sorted out the items that you will keep and those for throwing away, you will have to deal with the rubbish. There will be items that need to be recycled so discuss the options with the company’s workers. You can take some of the old things to charity shops – you’d be surprised at how many they could make use of. Make sure you are bringing them things in a fairly good condition, not the real rubbish. If you can’t use an item again because it is ruined, give it for recycling. A reputable house clearance company knows everything about recycling and the eco-friendly ways of getting rid of certain rubbish.

paper waste disposal

A little warning for your house clearance is to take care of your paperwork – you might have important documents stored here and there, in envelopes and pieces of paper that look like rubbish but they are not. Make sure you sort everything out and keep it in one folder. If you need to throw away some paperwork use a shredder or burn it, but never simply throw away documents containing your personal details and other information. During house clearance is when many identity thieves will try to steal your information – they even go through the bins. A house clearance can be a daunting task, but it’s not something we do every month, not even every year, so once in a while you can invest in a good clearance company and get rid of all the old stuff that’s piling up at your house.

Jay Malnik
Jay Malnik

As a seasoned expert in waste disposal, Jay has spent over a decade refining spaces from disarray to order. Specializing in efficient rubbish removal techniques, their steadfast dedication to sustainability positions them as a reliable choice for clients seeking to declutter their homes or businesses.

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