House Clearance Before The Home Inspection

Posted on 28/10/2020

Tips for House Clearance Before a Home Inspection

home clearance before viewings

If you are planning to sell your house, you will need to let an expert do a home inspection and write a report on it – this will give you and the real estate an idea what the price of the house could be. It can be quite a nerve wracking experience, because the result is not always the one you expect. If you want to reduce the potential negative comments and have a chance to sell your house for a good price, you need to put some effort too. A house clearance is an important process which will make your house look its best. You can either hire professional services or do everything on your own. A house clearance is not as tough as it looks, but if you live in a big house it could take up a while to finish everything.


The first thing you should do is get rid of the clutter – this is important for many reasons, not just for the upcoming home inspection. The minute you advertise your home for sale, you have to be ready for people coming for viewings. You don’t want to let them in a house full of old upholstery, magazines, useless items and all sorts of clutter. If you want to make a good first impression and have a successful inspection report too, the house clearance is simply essential. Clear up the garage, the garden, the attic, the basement- make sure it’s easy to get in them and walk around to check everything. Remove all the rubbish from the rooms, or put them in boxes.

home repairs

Next, it’s time for some repairs. Most of the issues you will notice after you remove the clutter from your house. Leaks, chopped paint, mildew, rust, pests, mold – all of these need immediate treatment. Invest in some repairs and use strong detergents to make sure your house will be a clean and healthy area. Check the vents, make sure the windows and doors open and close properly, clean the fireplace and the chimney, replace burned out light bulbs and so on and so forth. All these little things will ensure a great looking home, thus raising its value. A good house clearance includes the outside of the house as well. Remove all rubbish from the garden, the garage and the garden shed and clean the patio. Use an all-purpose detergent to treat the crevices and the spots on the paint. If you don’t have time to deal with all the clutter at the moment and you are pressured by time to get ready for the home inspection, give the items for storage.

storage solutions

Check the local storage facilities and take your things there. This is a good temporary solution, until you decide what to do with each thing. Keep in mind that home inspections rarely go perfect. Even if you put lots of work into improving your house, the comment of the inspector could still be rather negative. Accept that no house is perfect, but the potential buyer will hopefully appreciate it for what it is and the small problems won’t be seen as big issues. Your real estate agent can give you plenty of useful advice in terms of home preparation. If you want it to be as close to perfect as possible, consider investing in professional house clearance services. It will be faster, easier and in most cases – much better done job than doing it on your own.

Jay Malnik
Jay Malnik

As a seasoned expert in waste disposal, Jay has spent over a decade refining spaces from disarray to order. Specializing in efficient rubbish removal techniques, their steadfast dedication to sustainability positions them as a reliable choice for clients seeking to declutter their homes or businesses.

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