Budget House Clearance

Posted on 28/10/2020

House Clearance Service by Budget

house clearance on a budget

Sometimes there is the necessity for you to have a house clearance, but what if you don’t have the money available to hire a House Clearance Company? And even if you do have the money available if you are moving this may be being used for removals purposes. In this case, you may need to complete the house clearance yourself, and apply saving money tips as and where you can and getting money back wherever possible too.

How to save money:

• Shop around, call a few different clearance companies and try and get yourself a good deal. Don’t simply choose the cheapest quote just because it is the most cost effective, consider all the services and the experience the company has to offer. If possible, hire a clearance company that is a member of the UK House Clearance Association, to ensure that they are a well-established company.

clearance services

• If you hire a company that is not reputable and therefore doesn’t dispose of your waste properly it could be traced back to you, meaning you could be held liable for prosecution and could be fined up to £5000. Save yourself money in the long run and spend a little more money now on hiring a well-established company that won’t fly tip your waste. A good clearance company will supply you with a waste transfer note showing them taking responsibility for your rubbish, so that if your things aren’t disposed of properly and are fly-tipped, the rubbish will be traced back to the clearance company not you. If they cannot provide you with a waste transfer note, you should ask for a receipt that details the company name and contact details, the job that they carried out for you including the removal of your rubbish.

organise waste removal

• If you can get some family members and/or friends to give you a hand, you may be able to complete most of the house clearance yourself in one or two days. Of course this isn’t always feasible, especially if you don’t live close to the house.

• Remember that the prices for almost every service will be more during peak times, and House Clearance companies are no different. If you have control over when you need a house cleared, then you should try to avoid peak times at all costs.

clearance company prices

How to get some money back:

• When you have cleared the home you will be left with a lot of things that you need to get rid of, some of these things made be in good condition and you could re-sell. Re-selling things from a house clearance is an excellent way of making some money back, some things like books, CD’s and clothing, may be sold at a local rag market or car boot sale, whereas you could sell things like electrical items privately and could end up making much of the money you’ve paid out back. To sell an item privately use free advertising websites, or advertise in free local newspapers or community bulletin boards, alternatively use an auction bidding website like eBay.

selling off antiques

• Most people who have come across an antique or something that is expensive and usually old, have done so whilst having a house clearance. When you are clearing your home make sure you keep a look out for anything that looks like it could be worth something, if you find something then research it online to see what exactly you are dealing with before deciding to have it valued by a professional.

Jay Malnik
Jay Malnik

As a seasoned expert in waste disposal, Jay has spent over a decade refining spaces from disarray to order. Specializing in efficient rubbish removal techniques, their steadfast dedication to sustainability positions them as a reliable choice for clients seeking to declutter their homes or businesses.

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